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Research of defects

Increasing the transition radius contributes to the elimination of the formation of defects during the stamping stage. (In the figure we see the transition of defects in the burr). As a result, this eliminates the tendency to the formation of internal stresses and cracks.


You can also observe the following figure.


However, the difficulty always lies in predicting not only future defects, but also the optimal shape of the geometry with a minimum allowance, which can save a great deal of time and money in production.

Modern software for the simulation of metal forming, allow not only to get results in the postprocessor, but also to use the trace points from the end of the operation to the beginning. Thus, obtaining the original form of the future forging.


In this case, I have a small area, which at low coefficients of friction can lead to a defect. Having outlined the required area with the trace lines, I was able to get the necessary preliminary radius. Having corrected the radius on the workpiece, I completely excluded its appearance in the future form.

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